Create a Cloud Deploy Pipeline

In this section, we will create a Cloud Deploy pipeline to deploy our app in test, stage and prod environments.

  1. First select Cloud Deploy from your product catalog and enable it if it’s already not enabled.

  2. Execute the following command to add clouddeploy.jobRunner role to the serice account.

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
    --member=serviceAccount:$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID \
    --format="value(projectNumber)") \
  1. Now execute the below command to add the Kubernetes Developer permissions.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
    --member=serviceAccount:$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID \
    --format="value(projectNumber)") \
  1. Navigate to IAM , locate the cloud build service account and add below two roles if it does not have it already.
Cloud Deploy Releaser
Service Account User
  1. Now in your cloud shell navigate to gcp-gke-workshop/workshop-app and update your clouddeploy.yaml with the GKE clusters created in 4.1.3 for test, stage and prod.

Cloud Deploy cluster update

  1. After that execute below command. This will register your pipeline with the Google Cloud Deploy service and with targets (test,stage and prod).
gcloud deploy apply --file clouddeploy.yaml --region=$REGION --project=$PROJECT_ID

Cloud Deploy command

  1. Once above command execute successfully, navigate to Cloud Deploy and you should see one pipeline with name clouddays-demo

Cloud Deploy pipeline