Create NPM and Docker Repos

Next, we will set up a NPM and Docker repositories in Artifactory.

  1. In your JFrog Platform instance go to AdministrationRepositoriesRepositories.

Repositories Repositories

  1. Click on New Local Repository on the right.

New Local Repository

  1. For package type, select Docker.

Select Docker Repository

  1. Specify clouddays for the Repository Key.

New Docker Repository

  1. Click Create Local Repository.

  2. Next, we must create NPM repositories that will be used for NPM dependencies. JFrog provides an easy Quick Setup option for this. Go to your profile and select Quick Setup.

Quick Setup

  1. Select NPM.

Quick Setup NPM

  1. Select Create a new repository option.

Quick Setup Create Repo

  1. Add clouddays as repository prefix and then click create. This create default NPM repositories including a remote repository for npmjs.

Quick Setup Done

Three different types of repositories can be created: local, remote and virtual. Local repositories are physical, locally-managed repositories into which you can deploy artifacts. These are repositories that are local to the JFrog Artifactory instance. A remote repository serves as a caching proxy for a repository managed at a remote URL (which may itself be another Artifactory remote repository). A virtual repository (or “repository group”) aggregates several repositories with the same package type under a common URL. A virtual repository can aggregate local and remote repositories.