Get the Workshop Code

The workshop code is located at GitHub repository. We will fork and clone this repository in order to pull the required workshop files and scripts.

  1. Go to and fork this repository to your GitHub account.

GitHub Fork

GitHub Repo Forked

  1. Clone the repo. You can do this locally in the Azure Cloud Shell. You can open another Azure Cloud Shell session.

git clone<your user name>/azure-aks-workshop.git

  1. Set your GitHub username and email.

git config --global <GitHub username>

git config --global <GitHub email>

  1. You can use the Azure Cloud Shell editor to explore the code.

Azure Cloud Shell Editor

  1. We will also need a GitHub personal access token to make updates and for JFrog Pipelines CI/CD. You may already have one. If not, follow these instructions to create one. Copy it to your notepad.

    Ensure it has these minimum GitHub permissions:

    • repo (all)
    • admin:repo_hook (read, write)
    • admin:public_key (read, write)